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Tuesday, October 18, 2011

Life Law 10

The road I'm on I believe is a good one. I'm not into the drugs, smoking or drinking. I know that grades matter  and I'm trying to push myself to get the best, I know sometimes I don't push myself very hard sometimes but I do try. My path looks like a medium path. It has some bumps sometimes when I feel like being lazy and not completely doing what makes me happy. So at times my path may be even paved. My days just seem to fly by and I'm just hopping along the road.At times like this I'm not only by myself but I'm with my family and friends, the ones who love me and make me smile. At other times when the road is bumpy and raining making the road slippery I'm traveling alone and I see people in the future but i can't move towards them. Its like I'm stuck where I'm at without the smiles and happy people around me. At times like this all I'm going for is just a smile and someone who understands. Then when I'm finally there, I feel like nothing is going to touch my happiness. I have no worries in life and I just got to take in everyday with a smile on my face. I feel like I'm in my own personal happy bubble with everyone who loves me in it. Its the feeling of a home, the feeling i hope to have when I'm old and looking back on "the golden days". But there are always going to things that burst you bubble. Most of the things that burst my bubble are grades, when i feel like I'm even the slightly bit behind I start to stress out, I'm studying longer which keeps me up longer but it doesn't help when I'm completely tired and wanting to just sleep. Then I worry about not being in the top of my class, which is something I'm trying for very hard. Not being the top makes me scared that I'm not going to be in a good college. Not that I know exactly what I want to be when I grow up but I know that furthering my education will for sure put me on a smooth path.  

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